The Unforgivable Act The Story of Robert Godwin's Tragic End

It's one of those stories that induce a chilling sense of fear and distress, a grim account of how humanity can sometimes lose its way. On April 16, 2017, a man named Steve Stevens carried out a brutal act that would leave lasting wounds on Robert Godwin's family and the larger community. He fatally shot Godwin and went to the extent of posting a video of this barbaric act on his personal Facebook page.


As if this wasn't horrifying enough, he then implicated himself further by conducting a Facebook live session in which he confessed to the murder. He also claimed to have taken more lives, leaving listeners shell-shocked.

In the immediate aftermath of the event, emergency services were flooded with distress calls. The callers reported with palpable dread about a man lying on the street, shot and presumably fighting for his last breath. There were pleas for help, punctuated by confusion and fear.

Godwin, a man lovingly known as the 'junk man', had been enjoying his daily routine, minding his own affairs, when his life was heinously cut short. Known for his habit of collecting cans in a white plastic bag, the same bag proved to be a futile shield in his final moments.


Once the video of his murder appeared on Facebook, Stevens became a prime suspect. His horrific claim of committing multiple homicides sparked a two-day national manhunt that ended with news of Stevens being found in Pennsylvania. Following a tip that led police to a McDonald's parking lot near the city of Erie, officers gave chase, closing in on him after a two-mile pursuit. When they forced his car to a stop, Stevens drew a pistol and turned the gun on himself, ending his life.

Godwin's sudden and gruesome end left not only his family in deep grief but also sent shockwaves across the viewers who learnt about the incident through different media outlets. Godwin had been a man of peace, someone who dearly loved his family and lived his life in modest simplicity. All that was suddenly taken away, leaving his loved ones grappling with a profound sense of loss.


His wife, Dorothy, remembered him as her best friend. She reminisced about their shared moments, how he stood by her side through thick and thin, and their bond that was based on mutual respect and affection. Their daughter too remembered him fondly, her words accentuating the devastating void left in their lives.

The local community also mourned and remembered him. He was a friendly neighbourhood face and his sudden loss left many in shock and apprehension. In the wake of the incident, many offered their prayers and extended their sympathies to Godwin's grieving family.

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